Sunday 10 April 2011


     Catfish is a species of freshwater fish consumption with elongated body and slippery skin. In Indonesia catfish has several names, among Other: prop fish (Padang), fish death (Gayo, Aceh), fish pintet (Kalimantan South), fish rivet (Napier), fish Cepi (Bugis), catfish or leachate (Center Java). Who's in other countries known as the mali (Africa), plamond (Thailand), fish keli (Malaysia), gura Magura (Sri Lanka), ca tre light (Japan).In English is called also catfish, siluroid, mudfish and walking catfish.Catfish were never found in brackish water or salt water. Habitat in the river with a slow flow of water, marshes, ponds, reservoirs, rice fields are flooded.Catfish are noctural, ie active search for food at night days. By day, catfish silence and refuge in places dark. In the wild catfish spawn in the rainy season. Catfish commonly found in Africa and Asia. Grown in Thailand, India, Philippines and Indonesia. Catfish production in Thailand ± 970 kg/100m2/tahun. In India (the acid) produced on average every 7 months reached 1200 kg / ha.
     Classification by Hasanuddin Saanin catfish in Djatmika et al (1986) are: Kingdom: Animalia Sub-kingdom: abundant metazoan Phyllum: Chordata Sub-phyllum: Vertebrata Class: Pisces Sub-classes: Teleostei Order: Ostariophysi Sub-order: Siluroidea Family: Clariidae Genus: Clarias 
     In Indonesia there are 6 (six) species of catfish that can be developed:
1) Clarias batrachus, known as the catfish (Java), fish prop (West Sumatra), fish death (North Sumatra), and   fish pintet (South Kalimantan).  
2) Clarias teysmani, known as the catfish Flower (West Java), white Kalang (Padang).
3) Clarias melanoderma, known as fish spines (South Sumatra), wais (Central Java), pleat (West Java).
4) Clarias nieuhofi, known as leachate fish (Java), limbat (Sumatra West), kaleh (South Kalimantan).
5) Clarias loiacanthus, known as fish keli (West Sumatra), fish Penang (East Kalimantan).
6) Clarias gariepinus, catfish known as Dumbo (Lele Lamb), King paints fish, originating from Africa.
A) As a food ingredient B) Catfish of type C. batrachus can also be used as a fish ornament and ornamental fish. C) Fish catfish reared in the rice could be useful to combat insect pests of rice in the form of water, because it is one of the food catfish natural. D)Catfish can also be mixed with various other ingredients to treat asthma, menstruation (menstruation) irregular, the nose blood, urinating blood and others. 

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