Sunday 18 September 2011

This story about mystery of the moon

Months that we usually observe in the night turned out to save a unique mystery that remains questioned by experts. Existence, his age, and even all about the moon to make a picture of the moon itself to be a mystery to the inhabitants of the earth.

Dr. Robin Brett of NASA has said that, "it seems easier to explain why the moon does not exist than why there is the moon."
Age of the Months
One of the most confusing of the month is his age. Almost all of the moon rocks brought to Earth to observe it has a 90% age older than the oldest Earth rocks though. Until now the world's oldest rocks ever found is 3.7 billion years old, while the moon rocks were aged between 4.3 and 5.3 billion years old. Research on this month and make the knees of his admirers kreasonis theory (theory creation of the earth) was shaking. In the bible itself noted that the moon was created on the fourth day, and any found should be the experts out there on the moon would say that at least a month younger than the Earth. If in the next few decades no longer found the older rocks of the earth, then chances are the facts about the moon will begin to make fun of fans kreasonis theory.
Hollow of the Moon
When will leave the moon in a moon landing mission, Apollo 12 aircraft catapult aircraft back to the moon landing, and from what is recorded by earthquake recording machines are installed in the month, there was an earthquake that lasted for more than 15 minutes within a radius of 72km and issued a buzz . Similarly, when we hit an empty keg with a hard hammer, the barrel will remove noise from vibrations produced. The same thing happened in the month, and this has been proved that the moon was empty.
Missing Dust

If indeed the month of age as the rock which has successfully researched, then there should be a pile of dust that covered the surface is 180 feet thick, but in fact the dust that covered the surface of the moon just 2 inches thick.

Encrusted Metal Elements

The composition of moon rocks was not just any rocks. When experts try to do the drilling on the moon because they were surprised to find the moon's surface is too difficult to penetrate. After investigation, it turns out there is the composition unsor a very hard metal, metallic element that is titanium, the same material used to make spacecraft. Conclusions about the moon is growing, giant, hollow titanium ball.

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