Tuesday 5 April 2011


     Gurame is a type of freshwater fish consumption, wide flat body shape, red brown dorsally and ventrally yellowish / silver. Carp fish is Anabantidae family, Helostoma descent and Labyrinthici nation. Carp originated from waters of the Sunda region (West Java, Indonesia), and spread to Malaysia, Thailands, Ceylon and Australia. Somewhat slower growth gouramy compared to other types of freshwater fish.
     In Indonesia, the Javanese called it carp, Gurameh, the Sumatran fish if, when, kalui, while in Borneo called Kalui. The Englishman called "Giant gouramy", because the size is large to weighed 5 kg. Regions in Indonesia, which became the center of fisheries are: Sumatra, NTB and Java. While abroad, namely: Thailand, Japan and Philippines
     Gouramy classification is as follows:
Class: Pisces
Sub Class: Teleostei
Order: Labyrinthici
Sub Order: Anabantoidae
Family: Anabantidae
Genus: Osphronemus
Species: Osphronemus goramy (Lacepede).
     Types of carp that have been known to the public including: carp geese, japanese carp, blausafir, paris, crossbred and porcelain. Four of the last lot developed in West Java, especially in Bogor. Compared to other types of carp, porcelain is superior in producing eggs. If the parent hybrid in each nest only able to produce 2000-3000 eggs, porcelain capable 10 000 grains. Therefore, people are calling it as the top of the pop, and
most favored.

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