Friday 1 April 2011

Power Transmission

     Transmission function to channel the flow of electricity / power from central power plant to substation as a load center. Voltage substations receive on Holding (Vr) is the difference between the voltage vector send (Vs) with the voltage drop along the conductor of the transmission of multiplication current (I) with impedance (Z). Impedance is the vector sum of resistance (R) and reactance (X) Conductor Conductor where the longer the greater its R and X so that Z is also getting larger and consequently also the voltage drop greater IZ; thus small Vr. Permissible service voltage down to 10% of V nominal. Thus the network length is limited by the voltage drop.
                                           transmisi  Z =  R + J X         drop tegangan  = I Z
                                                              Vr =  Vs  -  IZ
     For Vr meet the standards it should be the longer the transmission, the transmission voltage is raised. The output of the generator in the generator (big power) voltage until medium voltage in raising the voltage to high voltage (150 kV) / extra high (500 kV) using Step Up Transformer. Transmission Voltage Transformer is accepted by the substation (Transformers Step Down) and is derived from 150 kV to 20 kV, 500 kV to 150 kV and some of the 500 kV to 20 kV. Conductor ACSR transmission and Isolatornya made ​​of porcelain and the tower made ​​of iron construction. / steel and in certain cities using ground cables (150 kV).

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