Wednesday 25 May 2011

How to save gasoline in car

How to save gasoline in your car, the following tips:
1). Avoid heat up the engine too long before driving. During the engine works so the fuel remains unused, so much  fuel is wasted in vain.

2). Keep the vehicle speed as much as possible about 70 ~ 80 km / h or below 3000 RPM.

3). Avoid high speeds are not necessary. The higher the speed is comparable to the high engine speed so that the fuel oil that must be sent even greater.

4). Adjust gear acceleration with vehicle speed, use low gear to run the first vehicle.
* Example: Dental 1 Speed ​​00-20 km / hour
* Dental 2 Speed ​​20-40 km /
* Gigi 3 Speed ​​40-60 km /
* Tooth 4 Speed ​​60-90 km /
* Teeth 5 Speed ​​90 ~ km /

5). Do acceleration / pressure gas pedal slowly (gradually), do not do all of a sudden because it can result in the addition of excess fuel.

6). Avoid excessive load. To carry the load required a big power which means a balanced fuel.

7). Turn off the engine when the vehicle stopped in a long time (parking).

8). Turn on air conditioning (AC) with the temperature not too low. This will make the compressor work not too long (or off if necessary).

9). Do not put your left foot on the clutch pedal when driving or riding with half clutch. This will cause the engine power is not fully channeled to drive the vehicle.

10). Use appropriate fuel octane rating recommended by the manufacturer. Fuel octane rating will determine the complete combustion, so that is very influential on the power generated by the engine.

11). Use tires with flowers and proper air pressure.       

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