Saturday 11 June 2011

Eat egg?? do you know advantage and disadvantagee from egg

we all know, most of the people in the world like egg. Now we must know positive and negative effects from egg.
Positve effects:

Eggs good for the eyes. According to one study, an egg a day may prevent macular degeneration (a part of the retina that allows the eye to see fine details in the central visual field) because it contains carotenoids, especially lutein and zeaxanthin. These two nutrients are more easily obtained in eggs than from other sources.

In another study, scientists found that those who get the daily intake of eggs suffered lower risk of cataracts. It is also because the content of carotenoids in eggs.

A single egg contains 6 grams of high quality protein and 9 essential amino acids.

Based on research at Harvard School of Public Health, there was no significant relationship between egg consumption and heart disease. In fact, according to studies, regular egg consumption may help prevent blood clots, strokes and heart attacks.

Egg is rich with elements of choline, which is an essential nutrient for the brain, nervous tissue and cardiovascular system. An egg yolk contains about 300 micrograms of choline.

Eggs contain good fats for the body. A single egg contains only 5 grams of fat and of which only 1.5 grams of saturated fat.
As opposed to all previous understanding, recent research states, normal consumption of eggs does not affect cholesterol levels. In fact, recent studies indicate that regular consumption of two eggs a day does not affect one's lipid profile and may actually fix it. Research shows that it is precisely jenuhlah fat that increases cholesterol.

Eggs are the only foods that naturally contain vitamin D.

Eggs can prevent breast cancer. One study states, women who consumed at least 6 eggs a week, lowers the risk of breast cancer by 44%.

Healthy eggs to hair and nail, because the high sulfur content as well as vitamins and minerals in it. Many people find that their hair grows faster when put eggs in their diet list, especially if their previous intake of sulfur deficiency or B12 in their food.

Negative effects:

Be carefull for men who eat the egg
Eating eggs is one habit that many men or women elected in meeting protein needs.

But if done to excess consumption of eggs will probably arise any unfavorable effects on health. Sebuan latest research reports in the United States for example, indicate a link between egg consumption and risk of death, especially in men.

Researchers from Harvard Medical School, as reported by Reuters Health, stated that men in middle age who ate seven or more eggs a week have a greater risk of premature death. Even this risk is more serious in men with diabetes. Diabetic men who ate the eggs, regardless of amount, are at increased risk of death based on research over a period of 20 years.

Research published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition adds to other evidence of how the consumption of these eggs are often contradictory and invite debate. In addition, it is still a big question for researchers is how exactly this can affect egg mortality risk.

Dr Luc Djousse and Dr J. Michael Gaziano of Brigham and Women's Hospital and Harvard Medical School reveals that men who do not have diabetes can actually eat eggs up to six eggs a week with no additional risk to health.

¨ While egg consumption to six eggs a week was not associated with the risk of death, but the consumption of seven or more eggs had something to do with the addition of a 23 percent risk of death. However, among male physicians with diabetes, egg consumption is associated with greater risk. There is also suggestive evidence that consumption of eggs increases the risk of heart attack and stroke, ° bright researchers who hope for further research were even larger.

Eggs long as it's known as rich in cholesterol content, which if high levels can cause blockage of blood vessels and increases the risk of heart attack and stroke.

One nutrition expert, Dr. Robert Eckel of the University of Colorado who is also former president of the American Heart Association, recommend that middle-aged men should have more considering how many eggs they eat.

Research 20 years
In his research, a team from Harvard involving 21,327 men. Participants make regular visits to the doctor since 1981 and reported their condition as well as any related habits
health and lifestyle.

During monitoring of 20 years, 1,550 men suffered heart attacks recorded, 1342 had a stroke and 5,000 more died.

¨ Egg consumption was not associated with heart attacks and strokes, ° note the researchers.

But the men who ate seven or more eggs a week were 23 percent have a tendency to die during the study period.

Diabetic men who ate eggs tendency doubled died during the study period. Men who ate the most eggs recorded during the study were older, fatter and eat more vegetables, but little to eat cereal as breakfast. They tend to like drinking alcohol, smoking and lack of exercise, in which all these factors are believed to influence the incidence of heart attacks and death

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