Saturday 2 April 2011

Melinjo (Gnetum gnemon L)

     Melinjo (Gnetum gnemon L) is an annual plant that grows with in both low and high land of no more than 1200 m above sea level. These plants can grow on clay, clay and sandy soil. Melinjo plant consists of several varieties, namely (1) gravels varieties: fruit small round and dense, (2) sticky rice varieties: the larger the fruit is more oval and dab grow in abundance, and (3) varieties of barrel-shaped: the largest fruit among varieties Another and less dense. Among these three types melinjo, varieties keg most economic value because most preferred to be made chips melinjo.
     Melinjo plants begin to bear fruit at the age of 3 ~ 4 years. Fruit that has been melinjo used for the manufacture of crisps (chips) and young fruit used as vegetable. Leaves melinjo young and melinjo interest can also be used as vegetable. Tree melinjo unproductive wood can be harvested and cutting boards and other utensils. The skin is also useful plant, which can processed into rope.
     Fruit melinjo chips can be picked to serve as 4 months after fruit formation begins. Within a year, fruit can be harvested melinjo to 3 times. 

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