Saturday 2 April 2011

Paddy (Oryza Sativa)

     Paddy is a crop of grass berumpun. Agricultural Crops derived from two ancient continents of Asia and the West African tropical and subtropical regions. Evidence history shows that rice cultivation in Zhejiang (China) has begun in 3,000 years BC. Fossils of grain and grain found in Uttar Hastinapur Pradesh India around 100-800 BCE. Besides China and India, some regions of origin Rice is, North Bangladesh, Burma, Thailand, Laos, Vietnam.
   Botanical classification of the rice plant are as follows:
Division: Spermatophyta
Sub Division: Angiospermae
Class: Monotyledonae
Family: Gramineae (Poaceae)
Genus: Oryza
Species: Oryza spp.
    There are 25 species of Oryza, which is known O. with two subspecies sativa of Indica rice (paddy fur) grown in Indonesia and Sinica (rice cere). Paddy divided into two types of dry rice (upland) that is planted in the highlands and rice paddy in the lowlands which requires inundation.
     National superior varieties derived from Bogor: Pelita I / 1, Pelita I / 2, Fair and Makmur (plateau), Joy, Gati, GH 19, GH 34 and GH 120 (lowlands). Variety excellent introduction of the International Rice Research Institute (IRRI), Philippines is PB is the type IR or IR 22, IR 14, IR 46 and IR 54 (lowland); PB32, PB 34, PB 36 and PB 48 (lowland).
     Rice is the main food source of carbohydrate in most countries Asia. Other countries such as in continental Europe, Australia and America rice consumed in amounts much smaller than Asian countries. In addition, rice straw can be used as ground cover in an attempt farmer. 

Growth Condditions
I Climate
  1. Growing up in the tropical / subtropical at 45 degrees N to 45 degrees latitude with hot weather and high  humidity with a 4-month rainy season.
  2. The average rainfall is 200 mm good / month or 1500-2000 mm / year.Rice can be grown in dry or rainy season. In the dry season productionincreased provided that irrigation water is always available. In the rainy season, although water abundance production may decline due to pollination is less intensive.
  3. In the lowland rice requires a height of 0-650 m above sea level with temperature 22-27 degrees C while in the highlands of 650-1500 m above sea level with temperature 19-23 degrees C.
  4. Rice plants require watering full sun without shade.
  5. Wind effect on pollination and fertilization, but if too tightwill break down plant. 
 II Growing Media
a) Paddy gogo
1. Upland rice should be grown on land that berhumus, crumb structure and sufficient containing water and air.
2. Requires 25 cm soil thickness, suitable soils vary from which berliat, dusty fine, argillaceous and smooth to rough ground water available is needed quite a lot. We recommend that the soil is not rocky, if any should be <50%.
3. Soil acidity varied from 4.0 to 8.0.
Paddy soil
Paddy soil grown on heavy soil or soil argillaceous who have hard layer 30 cm below the soil surface.
2. Requires a fertile soil with mud 18-22 cm thick.
3. Soil acidity between pH 4.0 to 7.0. In paddy fields, inundation will changing planting a neutral pH (7.0). In principle, calcareous soil with a pH of 8.1 to 8.2 did not damage the rice crop. Because experience inundation, wetland soil has a layer that contains no reduction paddy soil oxygen and pH is usually near neutral. To obtain rice land are eligible soils required special treatment.

     Plants can be grown on land areas ranging from low to high land. 

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